Australian Capital Territory

Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage - Dr Ivy Papps


From: Monday March 23, 2015, 6:00 pm

To: Monday March 23, 2015, 7:30 pm

The Young Economists (ACT), the Economic Society of Australia (ACT) and the ANU Research School of Economics present: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage Myths and reality in policy research and evaluation Dr Ivy Papps Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage: Myths and reality in policy research and evaluation. The intergenerational transmission of poverty is persistent despite concerted efforts and considerable investment by governments and charitable organisations to break the cycle of disadvantage. Dr Ivy Papps will talk about the factors that contribute to poverty, including education gaps, and address the questions: How can governments evaluate initiatives to address disadvantage?  What do we acutally know from international research on poverty reduction policies?  Why do we not implement policies with a good track record? And why do we keep believing the myths? Dr Ivy Papps is an experienced economist with a history of academic and policy-related work in the social sector. She has a BSc (Econ) from the London School of Economics and a MA and PhD from the Department of Economics and the University of Chicago, where she was advised by Nobel Laureates Gary Backer and George Stigler. She has worked extensively in the transition economies of central and eastern Europe as well as in the Middle East, Africa, the USA and the UK. Ivy has been active in economic and social consultancy for over 20 years.   We thank the ANU Research School of Economics for their continued support. Monday 23rd March 6pm for 6:30pm - 7:30pm The Lounge, UniPub (3rd floor), London Cct Register Canapes will be provided and drinks will be available from the bar. Membership details will be available. Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage


The Lounge, UniPub

London Cct, Canberra

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