Australian Capital Territory

WEN Event – Women in Economics and Public Policy


From: Tuesday August 15, 2017, 7:30 am

To: Tuesday August 15, 2017, 9:00 am

Women in Economics and Public Policy

Please join us to hear Dr Heather Smith, Secretary of the Department of Communications and Arts, and Lynne Pezzullo, Lead Partner, Health Economics and Social Policy, Deloitte Access Economics.

The panellists will provide insights on how they have made it to the top in their respective professions, the barriers they have faced getting there and why diversity is important. They will also provide their perspectives on the role that economics plays in public policy decision making.


More about the Speakers:

Dr Heather Smith PSM, Secretary, Department of Communications and the Arts

Prior to this appointment, Heather was Deputy Secretary in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and was responsible for innovation policy and public data policy. In October 2013 she was Australia’s G20 Sherpa, a role she held during Australia’s Presidency. Prior to this Heather had responsibility in the Department for economic, industry, infrastructure, environment and strategic policy matters.

Heather has also worked as a Deputy Secretary in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Deputy Director-General of the Office of National Assessments and held positions at the Australian Treasury and Reserve Bank of Australia.  Before joining the public service Heather was an academic working on North Asia at the Australian National University.

Heather holds a Bachelor of Economics (First Class Honours) from the University of Queensland and a Masters and PhD in Economics from the Australian National University.


Lynne Pezzullo, Lead Partner, Health Economics and Social Policy, Deloitte Access Economics and Managing Partner Canberra, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

Lynne leads the Deloitte Access Economics health economics and social policy group nationally, and is the Managing Partner of Deloitte Canberra. She is also adviser to the CEO on Responsible Business.

Lynne spent ten years in Federal Government departments prior to founding the health economics practice, for which she was awarded the Telstra Business Woman of the Year ACT 2008 award. Lynne has served as a specialist expert for the World Health Organization and for the NDIS ACT trial site. Her deep experience includes health and social policy advice and reform, financing and services delivery, evaluations, pharmaceuticals and technologies, aged care, disability care, Indigenous issues, welfare systems, and family and community services.


WEN has been formed to promote and support the career development of women in the economics profession in Australia.

Please note that attendance is free but registration is required and numbers are limited. Both women and men are welcome to attend the launch event.


Event Details:

Deloitte, 8 Brindabella Circuit, Brindabella Business Park, Canberra Airport. The presentation will commence at 7.45am, and guests are asked to please arrive by 7.30am.

A light breakfast will be provided.


With thanks to our Sponsors:





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Deloitte Australia

8 Brindabella Circuit, Brindabella Business Park, Canberra Airport ACT 2609

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