Australian Capital Territory


WEN (ACT) Annual General Meeting 2021


From: Thursday November 4, 2021, 5:30 pm

To: Thursday November 4, 2021, 6:30 pm

Women in Economics Network Annual General Meeting 

The Women in Economics Network is pleased to invite you to our Annual General Meeting. 

Nominations for WEN Committee positions are due by Friday 29 October. Current ESA WEN Members are eligible to nominate and vote at the WEN AGM. 

The committee is comprised of 10 economists studying or working in government, academia, or the private sector.  The committee organises events throughout the year to promote the work of female economists, encourage the sharing of economic ideas, and create networking opportunities for its members. Nominations from new committee members are encouraged. 

You can download the Notice of the Annual General Meeting (AGM), Agenda for the AGM and Nomination Form for Election to the Executive Committee here: WEN_ACT_AGM_2021_and_nomination_form_2.pdf

Please email Linda Ward at  to nominate. 

Event Details:

Date: Thursday 04 November 2021
Time: 5:30pm - 6:30pm 
Location: The Regional Australia Institute 

Address: Level 2, 53 Blackall St, Barton
Cost: Members only free event

Drinks and Canapes will be provided

Please also join us for drinks and nibbles and the ACT Economic Society AGM, which will be held immediately afterwards.

WEN has been formed to promote and support the career development of women in the economics profession in Australia.



Bookings are now closed


Regional Australia Institute

Level 2, 53 Blackall St, Barton ACT 2600

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